Onions - Japanese variety, five rows (main bed, south side)
Shallots - forgotten variety, five rows (raised bed, concorde side)
Mon 28th
Broad beans, four short trenches (raised beds, formerly tomato plants)
Sat 5th
Pak choi, three drills, in triangle, pointy end of east bed
Raised bed west side
Purple sprouted broccoli
Mon 7th
Garlic casablanca - in triangle next to concorde pear (chilled in freezer/fridge)
Beetroot bolthardy - two half rows (path end)
Lettuce all round the world - two half rows (compost end)
Trench for French beans, including half trug of own compost
Emptied compost - three large trugs full
End March
Prepared bed for potatoes (r/h), dug up packet of butter in foil and carrier bag with mouldy cheese in packet. Are foxes burying shopping, or have we a tramp?
Potatoes chitted and in.
Foxes or someone throwing potatoes around. Plastic netting inadequate, now pegged down.
End March
Prepared bed for potatoes (r/h), dug up packet of butter in foil and carrier bag with mouldy cheese in packet. Are foxes burying shopping, or have we a tramp?
Potatoes chitted and in.
Foxes or someone throwing potatoes around. Plastic netting inadequate, now pegged down.
Beginning April
No sign of potato shoots.
Runner beans in two rows, with canes, running north-south alongside path
Parsley hedges either side
Cleared remainder of raised bed
French beans in l/h bed
Broad beans just beginning to show, healthy leaves.
Cat tiger sitting on beans - chicken wire protection.
Slug problems, they are ruining the French beans - scattered organic slug pellets on French, runner and broad beans.
End April
Slug pellets only effective if renewed.
Rotted manure with fish blood and bone powder added.
Improving shape of greengage, into fan. It has responded well to fertiliser.
Beetroot seed not growing.
Potato leaves showing, fox has done damage, need to reseed a couple.
Runner beans growing well, a couple are 5ft and putting on good leaves
Garlic has suffered from the attention of birds or other pest (they didn't eat, just threw it around). Will move to grow with lettuce.
Apple Tree planted - Queen Cox.
No sign of potato shoots.
Runner beans in two rows, with canes, running north-south alongside path
Parsley hedges either side
Cleared remainder of raised bed
French beans in l/h bed
Broad beans just beginning to show, healthy leaves.
Cat tiger sitting on beans - chicken wire protection.
Slug problems, they are ruining the French beans - scattered organic slug pellets on French, runner and broad beans.
End April
Slug pellets only effective if renewed.
Rotted manure with fish blood and bone powder added.
Improving shape of greengage, into fan. It has responded well to fertiliser.
Beetroot seed not growing.
Potato leaves showing, fox has done damage, need to reseed a couple.
Runner beans growing well, a couple are 5ft and putting on good leaves
Garlic has suffered from the attention of birds or other pest (they didn't eat, just threw it around). Will move to grow with lettuce.
Apple Tree planted - Queen Cox.